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New Brighton City shaft 1905

New Brighton City shaft 1905

The name Minera has an unusual source, being derived from the low Latin for “mine” or “ore”. This name was recorded as early as 1339. The parallel Welsh name Mwynglawdd translates roughly as “ore mine”.


The history of Minera is closely related to that of its lead mines. Although earlier use, dating back perhaps as far as the Roman occupation, has been suggested, the first clear documentary evidence of the industry appears during the reign of Edward I, when miners from Minera were sent to Cornwall to help develop the tin mining industry.


Extraction of lead and coal was later joined by the quarrying of silica stone and limestone, with three lime kilns being recorded in operation at Minera Mill in 1620. Further industrial development took place in the 19th century. The lead mines expanded under the guidance of engineer John Taylor and the Minera Limeworks came into operation, while a branch of the North Wales Mineral Railway was built in 1844 to serve the area.


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