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Gwersyllt Garage

Gwersyllt Garage

Gwersyllt was originally a township of the parish of Gresford, and by 1833 had 834 inhabitants. The gradual increase of the area’s population in the industrial era led to Gwersyllt being formed as a new parish in 1851, combining the old township of Gwersyllt and parts of the neighbouring township of Stansty. The parish church, from plans by Thomas Penson, was consecrated at the same time.


The village grew rapidly with the local coal mining industry and the area was home to several collieries, of which many features still remain. In 1896, the Gwersyllt coal mine owned by Edward Griffiths had 185 employees with 167 below ground. It was in operation by 1881.


The area was situated between the collieries of the Moss Valley and Bradley and benefitted from good rail links on the former Wrexham, Mold and Connah’s Quay Railway to Wrexham, Birkenhead, Ellesmere, Brymbo and New Brighton. A canal also was planned to run through the community with the intention of forming part of the Ellesmere Canal. Evidence of the canal cuttings can still be seen alongside the Sydallt junction between the Summerhill Bottom Road and A541 Mold Road, and a local street, named Heol-y-Camlas, meaning Canal Road in Welsh, lies on the former canal alignment.


Gwersyllt’s former heavy industries of coalmining and manufacturing have declined over the 20th Century. Much of the former land of these industries has been reclaimed, mostly as housing. In the mid-20th century, large council estates were built amongst the existing village, extending the size of the community and its services substantially.


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