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Borras Park is a large private housing estate developed during the 1960s and 1970s on land that had once been part of the Acton Park estate.

The land, located between Jeffreys Road, Box Lane, Barker’s Lane, the Acton-Llan y Pwll Link Road and Borras Park Road, was sold by Sir Neville Cunliff in 1920. It passed through various owners until 1958 when the area to the south and east of Farm Side was sold to developers who developed all the roads between there and Borras Park Road. The development was originally called Bryn Gryffydd Heights. The north-western section of the estate, originally known as the Park View Estate (between Barkers Lane, Jeffreys Road and Norfolk Road), comprised 125 houses.


During the Second World War much of this area was requisitioned and used by the RAF as a site for the camp for RAF Wrexham. Later, at the end of hostilities, the Bryn Gryffydd area was utilised as a tank depot.

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