Bank Street, originally known as Kendrick Street, after James Kendrick, owner of Kendrick’s Bank, who also owned all the properties on the street, was laid out in 1818. For many years it was classified as a private street and public access could be denied by the means of a chain. By the 19th century with the closure of Kenrick & Bowman’s bank and the opening of the National Provincial bank in the same building, the street had become Bank Street.
There are a number of references to Bank Street being known as ‘Little Soho’ because of it’s appearance and because the number of foriegn businesses operating there.One of the oldest businesses in this street is Marubbis cafe, which was founded in 1896 by Armando Marubbi, who arrived from Italy in 1896. Armando opened a ‘Temperance bar’ in Abbot street before moving to Bank street in the mid 1930’s. The small building on the north corner of Bank street & Hope street was origanally Barclays bank.
Until the 1980’s, the Horseshoe public house was located on the on the left hand side of the street just before the junction with Henblas street, and served the best pint of the original Wrexham Lager in the Town.